Auction paintings silvers

Online Auction 15 – DIMORE

Antique Paintings Silver Furniture

Online Auction 15 – DIMORE | Antique and 19th-20th Century Paintings, Silver, Furniture, Ceramics. The auction was held on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, and during the appointment both 19th- and 20th-century paintings by authors such as Emanuele Brugnoli with “Piazza san Marco” (lot 1), Llewelyn Lloyd with “Paesaggio fluviale con barche” (lot 4),“Il mercato” by Luigi PaganFrancesco Lojacono with “Verso il pascolo” and Old Masters: Giacinto Brandi, “Volto di santo”, Scarsellino, “Strage degli Innocenti”, Scuola di Giacomo Cavedone, “Madonna con bambino in gloria”, and Ambito di Francesco Vellani, “San Geminiano che porta la nebbia”, were presented. Also bronze sculptures, a selection of silver objects and a collection of ceramics from the Minghetti manufacture, such as the large centerpiece bowl (lot 135), the tulip bowl (lot 143), and the wall shelf (lot 145).


Lot 4: Llewelyn Lloyd (Livorno 1879 – Firenze 1949), “Paesaggio fluviale con barche”, 1936. Olio su tavola – € 6.200,00
Lot 5:  Francesco Lojacono (Palermo 1838 – 1915), “Verso il pascolo”. Olio su tavola – € 3.720,00
– Lot 51: Michele Desubleo (Maubeuge 1602 – Parma 1676), attribuito a, “Ecce Homo”. Olio su tela – € 2.976,00
Lot 64:  Maestro del XVIII secolo, “Paesaggio”. Olio su tela – € 2.232,00
Lot 87: Servizio da the in argento, Vicenza, XX secolo – € 868,00


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