gregory's resoconto 2024



We would like to thank all our clients for their participation in Gregory’s Auctions, which totaled 13 events in 2024.

In the first half of the year, we highlight the COLLEZIONI BOLOGNESI auction, entirely dedicated to 19th- and 20th-century painting, achieving a sales rate exceeding 80%. This event featured works by Bolognese artists such as Alfredo Protti, Mario De MariaBruno Saetti, Luigi Bertelli, and Alessandro Scorzoni, as well as pieces by Giovanni FattoriAttilio Pratella, and international artists like Alphonse Mucha and František Kupka.

With three events dedicated to CONTEMPORARY ART (April 17 – April 24 – June 25), we observed a growing interest from collectors in this sector. Among the artists featured by Gregory’s were Giorgio Morandi, Lucio Fontana, Filippo De Pisis, Alberto Burri, Gio Pomodoro, Enrico Baj, Franco Angeli, Mario Schifano, and Piero Dorazio. The selection also included renowned international artists such as Andy Warhol, Joan Miró, Graham Vivian Sutherland, and Pablo Bronstein. The catalogs further highlighted 20th-century Bolognese artists who have earned a place in the broader Italian art scene, such as Sergio Romiti and Concetto Pozzati.

In the first half of the year, Gregory’s also conducted DIMORE auctions featuring paintings by Old Masters and fine period furnishings, as well as auctions dedicated to DESIGNSILVERWARE AND JEWELRYWRISTWATCHES, AND POCKET WATCHES.

From September onward, there were five events spanning contemporary art, ancient art, and design:

The DESIGN auction achieved a success rate exceeding 80%, offering iconic 20th-century furniture, lighting, and decorative pieces. Highlights included: the large dining table “Rosa dei Venti” by Mario Ceroli for Poltronova, part of the “Mobili nella Valle” seriesThe “Sarpi W02 1” table designed by Carlo Scarpa for Simon Gavinathe “Tolomeo” desk by Ico Parisi for MIM.the coffee table by Carlo Hauner for Formathe iconic LC4 chaise longue in pony skin by Le Corbusier for CassinaJosef Zotti’s Jugendstil seatingthe “Bastiano” living room set by Afra and Tobia Scarpa, featuring a three-seater sofa and two armchairs; Chairs for Anonima Castelli, including the versatile “Plia” by Giancarlo Piretti and the playful “Box” by Enzo Mari“Fontana” lamps by Max Ingrand for Fontana Arte in various sizes; “Rio” lamps by Giusto Toso for Leucos, also in multiple sizes; the “Viscontea” cocoon suspension lamp by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni; “Per costruzione di oasi” by Mario Schifano (1979); “Languedoc” vases by René Lalique and a pair of “Toupie” crystal vases by Marie-Claude Lalique; the large futurist vase by Angelo Biancinithe bronze inkwell “La Discordia” by Giovan Battista Alloati.

In the second half of the year, CONTEMPORARY ART once again proved to be one of the most successful departments. Gregory’s approach focuses on presenting highly curated works for an audience increasingly drawn to this sector. The auction featured pieces by internationally renowned artists and achieved a remarkable success rate of 114%.

The highlight of the auction was the monumental “Caduta N. 2 by Vladimir Veličković, which reached a final price of €43,750.00.

Among the most notable works were: “Laguna a Venezia”, a recto-verso pencil on paper by Giovanni Boldini, created in the late 1880s; “Debloquer les puissances de l’avideur”, a drawing by Roberto Matta“Natura morta sul tavolo” by Sergio Romiti, an intriguing piece from 1951; “Senza titolo” by Mario Schifano, created between 1970 and 1973, sold for €5,500.00; “Tempio”, a solemn oil on bâche by Luca Pignatelli from 2003; “Senza titolo”, a collage by Germano Sartelli made with cigarette papers, sold for €1,500.00.

The auction also included significant multiples, such as: “Natura morta con sei oggetti” by Giorgio Morandi, sold for €4,000.00; La baie”, a 1962 print by Marc Chagall, sold for €5,000.00; Petit Paysage Sombre” by Jean Fautrier“Bianchi e neri I-C” by Alberto Burri from 1968.

Sculptures particularly captivated collectors, including: “Senza titolo”, a corten steel piece by Sergio Fermariello, sold for €8,125.00; “Ricordo della madre II” by Aron Demetz, sold for €6,000.00; “Cerere” by Girolamo Ciulla from 2000, sold for €3,600.00; “Fiore ignorante” by Pietro Cascella from 1970; “Senza titolo”, a ceramic sculpture by Bertozzi & Casoni.

Gregory’s also maintained its focus on antique painting and furnishings, as well as on works created between the 19th and early 20th centuries, showcased in the DIMORE BOLOGNESI auction. This event featured pieces from significant private collections in our city.

Among the paintings by the Old Masters, the following stand out: Neoclassical Master, “Historical Scene”, late 18th – early 19th century, sold for €7,000.00, and Venetian Master from the early 17th century, “Portrait of a Nobleman in Arms”, sold for €4,500.00.

Works by Bolognese artists were particularly successful: Luigi Bertelli’s “Vallata di Reno” from 1896 was sold for €8,750.00, while “Veduta di Bellagio” from around 1900 was sold for €4,500.00; Bruno Saetti’s “Nudo femminile” reached the sum of €4,750.00.

The last auction of the year, A MANSION IN MANTUA, instead saw in its proposal the entire furnishings of an elegant home in the Lombard city: from paintings to furnishings, from silverware to art objects, during the appointment a rich selection with a classic and refined flavor was proposed. The auction attracted great interest in the collectors’ panorama precisely because of its original and private character, with a percentage of sales higher than 80% and increases of up to 120% compared to the starting prices.

Among the most fascinating works are the wooden candle-holder angel made in Central Italy in the first half of the 17th century, the pair of wooden mirrors from the 18th century and the pair of obelisks in rock crystal which reached the figure of €2,304.00.

The selection of silverware was very tasteful, and also included the French cutlery set for 12 people made by Laparra & Gabriel and sold for €5,632.00, and the Ricci Argentiere service for 12 people sold for €3,120.00.

We thank again all our historical clients and those we have recently met for having followed us with interest and participated in our auctions, we are preparing the calendar of events for 2025 with which to offer you increasingly selected and interesting works. We recommend subscribing to the newsletter to stay updated on all upcoming events.

At the same time, we remind you that our experts are available for free and confidential evaluations of individual works and entire collections to be managed also on site for inclusion in our next catalogues. Our staff follows the client who wishes to sell their assets step by step, from the first contact to the auction proposal aiming for maximum valorization thanks to a consolidated public of collectors both Italian and international.

Stay up to date on our website or request an evaluation using the appropriate form or by contacting us via email or WhatsApp.

On the next auctions page you will soon be able to consult the calendar of upcoming events and in past auctions you can consult all our auction catalogs from 2013 to today.

We take this opportunity to wish everyone a peaceful Christmas period and happy holidays, see you in 2025 with the news of the year. GREGORY’S: GIVE VALUE TO YOUR WORKS.